Schneider Electric: State of the European Renewable Energy Market H2 2020 YTD

The State of the European Renewable Energy Market is a bi-annual market intelligence report released by Schneider Electric Energy & Sustainability Services. The H2 YTD 2020 data set, which informs this report, considers corporate request for proposal (RFP) and request for information (RFI) responses that have been gathered between July and November. It represents over 750 renewable energy offers in Europe, submitted from more than 50 solution providers across 12 countries, resulting in a strong overview of the European renewable energy market for corporate buyers.

In the report, you will be able to explore the latest trends around:

– Indicative Pricing

– Renewable Energy Technologies

– In-country Market Opportunities

– PPA Deal Sizes & Price Structures

– Guarantees of Origin (GOs) Pricing


Read the full report from Schneider Electric here.