PPA deal tracker

Check how the power purchase agreement (PPA) market is growing in Europe, by sector, country, and company.

Reviews from users of the Buyers Toolkit

"The RE-Source template CPPA was well-received by both sides and especially by RWE Renewables’ in-house legal advisors. It was the perfect starting point for the contracting phase and it saved us a lot of time. I'm happy to say that, thanks to this template, there was no need to make use of external law firms to draft a new agreement. Deviations from the template were also very limited during the contracting process. Our experience was therefore very positive and we expect it to use this template again for our next European PPA."
Roland Kok
Head of Global Services (PPAs & Structured Origination), RWE Renewables

Any questions about the Directory? Get in touch

Guy Brindley

Guy Brindley

Head of Market Intelligence

Annie Scanlan

Annie Scanlan

Managing Director
