Joint letter on Electricity Market Design – Coalition of energy buyers calls on policymakers: do not discourage industries from using renewable energy

3rd July 2023

Together with, Cepi (Europe’s paper and pulp industry), European Aluminium, and Eurometaux (Europe’s non-ferrous metals industry), the RE-Source Platform sent a joint letter to the European Parliament’s energy committee (ITRE) and the Council. The coalition calls on policymakers to use the proposal to reform the EU’s Electricity Market Design to help companies buy and consume renewable energy and accelerate the decarbonisation of Europe’s energy system.

Energy buyers are concerned that some provisions being discussed by MEPs and in the Council could discourage corporates from signing power purchase agreements (PPAs).

The European critical industries, therefore, call on the European Parliament and the Council to apply 5 key principles for PPAs which, if applied, will ensure that the reform will foster the widespread use of PPAs.

  1. Keep things simple to make it easier to unlock corporate PPAs; and do not confuse them with other types of PPAs.
  2. Clear the way for all routes to market for renewable energy.
  3. Transparency is not a corporate PPA barrier and this Regulation is not a solve-all tool.
  4. Provide regulatory certainty and end the emergency measures.
  5. Apply caution when we have no impact assessment.