Corporate sourcing of renewable energy

Guarantees of Origin are key to a cost-effective energy transition

Guarantees of Origin are key to a cost-effective energy transition A functioning GO framework is crucial to corporate PPAs On 12 January WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson spoke at the “ENR Enterprise” conference on Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and Guarantees of Origin (GOs) in France. GOs are used to trace green electricity in the power system. […]

Guarantees of Origin are key to a cost-effective energy transition Read More »

On-site renewable electricity and storage can help to bring Europe’s business sector closer to climate neutrality

On-site renewable electricity and storage can help to bring Europe’s business sector closer to climate neutrality The RE-Source Platform launched today a new report revealing the significant untapped potential and value for corporates in deploying renewable electricity and storage installations on commercial and industrial (C&I) buildings or within their premises. Europe has the opportunity to

On-site renewable electricity and storage can help to bring Europe’s business sector closer to climate neutrality Read More »

State of the European Renewable Energy Market H2 2020 YTD

Schneider Electric: State of the European Renewable Energy Market H2 2020 YTD The State of the European Renewable Energy Market is a bi-annual market intelligence report released by Schneider Electric Energy & Sustainability Services. The H2 YTD 2020 data set, which informs this report, considers corporate request for proposal (RFP) and request for information (RFI)

State of the European Renewable Energy Market H2 2020 YTD Read More »

Cross-border PPAs: New opportunities for business to decarbonise their electricity supply across Europe

Cross-border PPAs: New opportunities for business to decarbonise their electricity supply across Europe Geneva, 7 December 2020: Today, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released a new report to help companies increase their renewable electricity procurement in Europe using cross-border power purchase agreements (PPAs).​ In a cross-border PPA, a company purchases renewable electricity

Cross-border PPAs: New opportunities for business to decarbonise their electricity supply across Europe Read More »

RE-Source 2020 press release: Global demand for corporate renewable electricity sourcing continues to grow despite COVID-19 pandemic

RE-Source 2020 press release: Global demand for corporate renewable electricity sourcing continues to grow despite COVID-19 pandemic Brussels, Monday 7th December: Corporate renewable electricity sourcing in Europe has shown continuous growth despite the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating the resilience and potential of Europe’s renewable energy sector. In November 2020, the cumulative contracted volume of corporate renewable

RE-Source 2020 press release: Global demand for corporate renewable electricity sourcing continues to grow despite COVID-19 pandemic Read More »